Friday, August 31, 2018

Erik Bengtson Introduction

Hey Guys!!

DH Stuff:

My name is Erik Bengtson and I am a junior at UPJ majoring in biology.  I am making this blog for my digital humanities course I am taking this fall.  As we are just starting our second week my knowledge of what the digital humanities are is rather limited.  If I had to define digital humanities though, I would say its the digitization of the traditional humanities fields. 

About Me :

My interests include both playing and watching sports-particularly hockey-, playing video games, and sleeping for inordinate amounts of time.  Naturally though, being a biology student, I rarely get to enjoy these interests the way I have in the past.  This lack of time has now unfortunately spread to my summers as I have began interning at a medical research facility in Pittsburgh for 50-65 hours a week.  That's pretty much all I have for you guys right now, but if you ever have any questions or anything just ask and I'll help you out!


Erik Bengtson
 Image result for smiley face

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