For a lot of people, college is a time where they find themselves.
Yes, I know it sounds cliche, but I’m not kidding people really do figure
out who they are when they are in college. Though I do well in school
now, in the past that wasn’t always the case.
For me, it took more than just going to college to evaluate who I was,
and compare that to who I wanted to be. I’m not saying I’ve had some sort
of great epiphany that has caused me to change myself entirely, but I have
changed because of a series of small events in my life. I think that in our lives we all have little
moments that may have more significance than we realize. We go through
the day-to-day grind in life without really appreciating how these seemingly
meaningless events shape what we do and who we are. I wanted to take the opportunity while
creating my own original work of E-literature to try to capture some of the
little moments in my life that have changed who I am. So, I have decided
to create a Google Maps essay containing various journal entries that capture
my thoughts and feelings at the times of the events. This means that I am going to have to ask you
to forgive my ignorance at times, as I have learned from the story I am about
to share with you.
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