Thank you Ray Kurzweil for blowing our minds.
Technological Singularity Reaction
The idea of a technological singularity is a highly thought provoking concept. Essentially, the thought is that technology is becoming exponentially better, and it will continue doing so until it creates an artificial super-intelligence, capable of surpassing all humans in intelligence. There are basically two ideas as to where the technological singularity will bring us. The first idea is more of a utopian idea. What is suggested is that technology will become so advanced, that it will free humans from the traditional tasks that keep us alive. Instead, people can focus more on the experiences of life rather than just living. The second idea suggests that the artificial super-intelligence may be a thing. Of course, there a varying degrees of bad theorized. It could be a sort of negative effect that just alters our wants and drives. Or we could be enslaved by robots. Either way, Kurzweil and experts like him say that we will find out soon within the next twenty to fifty years.
The Singularity is Near
This book is built on the ideas introduced in Kurzweil’s previous books. These books are, “The Age of Intelligent Machines,” and “The Age of Intelligent Machines.” In this book, Kurzweil describes his law of accelerating returns which predicts an exponential increase in technologies such as , genetics, nanotechnology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. He says that once that the Singularity has been reached, machine intelligence will be infinitely more powerful than all human intelligence combined. The singularity is also the point where machines intelligence and human merge.
The Singularity is Near
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